Crickets are used as food for many animals, including pets, livestock, and zoo animals. They are also used in research and as a potential food source for humans.
Food for animals
Pets: Crickets are a common food source for reptiles, amphibians, and other pets. They can also be kept as pets themselves.
Livestock: Crickets are a high-protein source of feed for livestock. They can eat waste byproducts and corn contaminated with a fungal toxin without absorbing it.
Zoo animals: Crickets are raised as food for carnivorous zoo animals.
Other uses
Disease models: Crickets are used as models for studying disease.
Pharmaceuticals: Crickets are used as biological factories to produce pharmaceuticals.
Food for humans: Crickets are eaten as a snack in some parts of Asia. Cricket flour is used as an additive in foods like pasta and bread.